We started our 14 day journey with our five person team by traveling a little over 25 hours to get to Kenya. The Lord gave grace for all of us as we journeyed and tried to adjust to our new time zone. When we landed in Nairobi we were able to have a night of rest at our hotel and enjoy stretching our legs!
The conferences were held western Kenya in an area close to Kisii called Marani and south Central Kenya in Githurai, which is just east of the capital city of Nairobi. We ministered to approximately 100 leaders and pastors between the two cities. We saw the Lord move powerfully with several healings and strengthened the attendees through the teachings. Our teachings were on healing, how to study the Bible, biblical finances, unity, discipleship, destiny and more. In both locations we held evangelistic crusades daily where we preached the Gospel and lead people to salvation. On the last day of the crusade in Marani we had over 20,0000 people show up to hear about Jesus! We saw around 3,500 people make decisions for Christ and connect to local churches, and there were also 27 documented healings. We will be posting many more pictures on our website and Facebook soon. Your prayers and financial partnership are changing lives for eternity around the world, and may the Lord pour out His blessings upon you richly!
We are so blessed to be doing what the Lord has called us to both here and around the world. Thank you for believing in us and joining in the adventure of advancing the Kingdom!