We are expecting!!! In January of 2018 we will be adding another bundle of joy to our family. Kelli is into her second trimester, and the reports and sonograms have been good. Sophia turned 18 months old on July 14th, and she is continuing to explore and grow daily. She loves to be chased by us, giggle, and carry on conversations with recognizable words mixed with babble
Our trip to Illinois in late May and early June was full with two weddings, a baby shower and several ministry events. Sophia did a great job as a flower girl for Austin and Brooke's wedding. I (Adam) was blessed to be a part of my friend Andrew's wedding. On June 5th I hosted the Money Smart: Focus & Freedom seminar in Peoria. It was the first seminar I had done on this topic, and I taught and encouraged the attendees in many aspects of their financial journeys.
Upcoming Events & News
In the next month or two we will be hosting a Money Smart: Focus & Freedom seminar in Kansas City with at least one new session in addition to the existing teachings. Please pray for all of the details as they come together and for the right location. We are also planning some new ministry developments, so stay tuned as we prepare to launch those in the coming months.